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In the hiring process, speed matters. Top talent is usually hired within 10 days of being on the market. If you’re still recruiting the old-fashioned way, you won’t be recruiting for long. The name of the game is speed and efficiency. Both need to work together to find the best candidates quickly to fill open jobs and demonstrate your business performance to your clients. Turnover in Staffing is higher than the National Average. The staffing industry, research indicates that the median annual turnover rate was 25% in 2019. That’s 1 out of every 4 internal employees are leaving their staff position each year.


In a competitive market, it can be tough to find a candidate with the exact blend of experience and qualifications that you’re looking for. Between a lack of specific skills needed for a job combined with high competition, finding candidates with the right skills can feel more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack. As we look towards trends in finding top talent in job seekers, what we see is the need to reskill or upskill candidates that may not have the specific certifications or qualifications but fit in all the other ways with the company. Candidates who are ready to learn and share a company’s values can fill a position with great success, once they receive the proper training.
Exchange of experience
Skilled Focused Guys Coding


Technology has certainly allowed for more competition, and at a much faster pace. Many businesses are not only challenged with a skills shortage but are also facing difficulties snagging great candidates quickly. In an already highly competitive industry with a lack of skills and people, it’s imperative to differentiate to stand out against the competition. Great branding and incredible candidate engagement is an integral ingredient to successful recruitment. Combined with technology that can be watched 24/7, staffing professionals can quickly and efficiently find and communicate with highly-sought candidates before the competition.

Marketing Automation

Between clients and candidates, a challenge has always been transparency in the process. According to a G2 survey, 52% of candidates don’t receive any communication in the two to three (or more) months after applying. Regardless of whether a candidate has applied, been rejected, or is in consideration, consistent communication is essential to driving the business forward for the long haul. The most successful way to counteract this challenge is through marketing automation to set up specific sequences that are triggered based on actions taken. From the client perspective, collaboration and all access can build trust and allow for more streamlined hiring processes for easier remote recruiting. From video interviewing and custom reports through cloud-based software, clients can be in the know right now. Learn More about our recruiting technological innovation INTERVIEWFLEX INC

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